

Tired of fleeting inspirations that fade after conferences and workshops?
Be part of an impact-driven community and grow within peer-to-peer small group where you can be supported and challenged to grow in a safe and confidential environment. At Accomplish, we are committed to foster meaningful and lasting connections.

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I have attended Accomplish True Success Conference in the past

Benefits of Membership


Circle is a safe, confidential small group designed for peer-to-peer learning. Elevate your leadership journey within this unique environment for sustainable growth.


Access exclusive Learning events for insights and professional growth. Enjoy tailored learning experiences as members for sustainable growth and enrichment.


Connect meaningfully with the wider community of impact-driven leaders. Access a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration with like-minded leaders.

The Accomplish Experience


Learn new skills, knowledge and apply God-centred values in your way of work and life.


Act on your commitments to change through peer accountability groups.


Grow in a Circle led by Accomplish facilitators and level up your personal development journey.


Transform your workplace, drive change and impact lives.

Don't just take our word for it

Hear what our Circle Facilitators and Members have to say

Teh Hui Hui

Accomplish Member

Through Accomplish, I learnt it is not about the stories of success but a journey with a group of professionals through the lows and also their highs. It opened up my perspective to see that everyone has their own work-in-progress stories regardless of age. It’s not just a young adult problem or an adult problem, but we have our own challenges in every season regardless of position in the marketplace. I could be a professional, someone else could be a Head of Department, but each has their own challenges. So more often than not, it is learning the process of overcoming rather than the outcome itself.

Ng Kay Yip

Accomplish Circle Facilitator

I really enjoyed the Circle experience. Putting aside a couple of hours every month to reflect and write down what has been done or what needs to be done, and what are the highlights and lowlights, was something new. And at the end of every reflection, we would use a ‘feeling’ word to describe the reflection. I am not the type who would normally say what I feel. But learning to apply feelings actually helped me to communicate better with my staff. This helped me understand my employees better, and I was able to move some of them into different positions that were better suited to their talents. And now, they are happier.

Cyrus Chim

Accomplish Member

Before GLEAM, every week I was having long meetings with the team, sitting down looking into problems and solving them together. We worked 5 days a week, but our weekly meeting is like half day, sometimes even one day gone. Our weekly meeting was time consuming, and draining the team’s energy. I picked up this diamond from Adrian Lim’s sharing on GLEAM, to have a 5m to 10m update with the team every day, to follow up on what was completed yesterday, what is still in progress, what are we going to achieve today. This method is more efficient than ever before, in terms of communication and efficiency at work!
Frequently Asked Questions
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We would love to connect with you. Do drop us a note and our team will be in touch.